Nyheter om "A Memory of Light"

Diskuter nyheter, rykter og annet som er WoT relatert

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Post by Merrilin »

Nå er vell faktisk A Memory of Light fortsatt hovedtittelen til alle 3 bøkene, mens hver bok vil få en undertittel?

Jeg var negativ til dette i begynnelsen, men etter å ha lest bloggen til Sanderson, stiller jeg meg bak ham.
Jeg ønsker heller å vente med bøkene, for å få utgitt en så bra versjon som det er mulig å få, fremfor å få en hasteutgave som er uferdig og dårlig, bare får å bli ferdig med det.

Ja, klarte det er surt, men jeg vil faktisk gå så langt som å si at folk som ikke klarer å se det poenget, ikke burde kalle seg WoT-fans.
Lothair Mantelar
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Post by Lothair Mantelar »

Alle her burde forresten lese hva Werthead skriver på bloggen sin om WoT-nyhetene.

Jeg stiller meg selvsagt bak oppdelingen hvis det fører til en god avslutning på serien, men det er naivt å tro at det er kun kreative ønsker som ligger bak denne avslutningen. Som Werthead skriver, hadde det ikke vært noe i veien for at den så godt som offisielle to-delingen kunne fungert. Her er det ikke først og fremst WoT-fansen det er tatt hensyn til; det er et forlag i pengekrise og en ung forfatter som så sjansen til å bygge seg opp til å bli den "nye" R.J. (kanskje ikke så rart at han for tiden skriver på sin egen ti-bok epic fantasy serie, hm?).
But neither the conductress nor the passengers were amazed by the most important thing of all, namely, that a cat was not merely getting on a streetcar, which wasn't so bad, but that he intended to pay his fare! - Mikhail Bulgakov
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Post by Aldieb »

Jeg håpet på å lese ferdig serien og få vite hvordan det ender til høsten :/
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Post by Merrilin »

Og greier Sanderson å pumpe ut noe som ikke blir totalslakta (mannen er forferdelig dårlig til å skrive bøker), får vi nok Sean'chan-serien med Matt og sikkert Fires of Heaven også. Her blir det full franchise rulle så lenge bøkene selger bedre enn alt annet i fantasy (utenom HP og kanskje Twilight).
Seanchanserien og Fires of Heaven? Hva er dette for slags bøker?

Og selvsagt er jeg ikke så naiv at jeg tror at det kun er kreative ønsker bak dette, selskapet vil jo tjene mest mulig.. MEN! Og dette er faktisk det essensielle "men'et". Se på hvor mye informasjon som faktisk skal trykkes inn her. Vi skal ha en skikkelig avslutning på alle trådene som er i KoD. F eks Matt/Tuon, Elayne, Egwene/White Tower. Bare TENK på hvor mye som kommer inn her. Jeg har nettopp begynt på KoD, så husker ikke eksakt hvor langt det rakk der, men vi skal ha krigen mellom Seanchanerne, vi skal ha jaktet på den Svarte Ajah, vi skal ha selve Reunionen av Tårnet. Her kommer også mest sannsynlig Black Tower inn, som også trenger en opprenskning. Vi skal ha kroningen av Elayne etc etc. Det skal løses uendelig mange plots og løse tråder. Og sist, men ikke minst, vi skal ha Tarmon Gai'don, klimakset som hele serien er siktet inn mot. Bare selve Tarmon Gai'don kommer til å være uendelig stort, og alt før det kommer til å være like mye.
Og hva vil vi ha? Det Hvite Tårnet blir helt -> Elayne blir dronning -> Magnificent 3 blir gjenforent -> De stygge kommer -> De blir drept -> Så levde de lykkelig i alle sine dager.
Jeg vet hvertfall at jeg ikke vil ha det slik. Jeg vil ha en dyptliggende, gjennomført bok som tar for seg ALT så grundig det lar seg gjøre. Da får eg heller vente litt lengre, og få en verdig avslutning på en helt fantastisk serie. Og javel, dersom det viser seg å være en skuffelse, er det uansett mye bedre enn hva vi ellers kunne fått.
Og sist men ikke minst, jeg går utifra at han vil skrive som RJ, og det er ikke til å stikke under en stol at RJ har masse og lange skildringer. Så der har du også ett argument for at bøkene blir lange.
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Post by ludde »

Jeg ser hvorfor det har blitt sånn som det forhåpentlig vis nå blir etter å ha lest bloggen til BS. Alle gode nyheter. Bortsett fra å bytte tittel på boka eller bøkene. Det skulle de ha lugget og klort for å få igjennom, uansett hvor stae bokhandlerene vil være. Ser ikke noe problem med A Memory of Light 1,2,3. UFF! Og så klart, det bokomslaget må gjøres noe med. Liker forsovit alle de andre, men denne var stygg.
Men Alt i alt en god overraskelse. Dyr ville boka ha blitt uansett om de hadde gitt ut alle på en gang.
Lothair Mantelar
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Post by Lothair Mantelar »

Merrilin wrote:
Seanchanserien og Fires of Heaven? Hva er dette for slags bøker?
Beklager rotet: Fires of Heaven er selvsagt bok 5 av WoT eller noe slikt. Det jeg henviste til var dette:
Wikipedia wrote:Prior to his death, Jordan planned another two prequel novels and up to three 'outrigger' novels taking place during or after the main series. He had notes prepared for these, and it has not been ruled out that Brandon Sanderson or other authors could expand them into full novels, although the final decision will be taken by Jordan's widow and publishers.
Og dette:
Wikipedia wrote: Jordan mentioned several times that he planned another fantasy series set in a different kind of world. He said that it would be a Shōgun-esque series about a man in his 30s who is shipwrecked in an unknown culture and world. The books would detail his adventures there, and would have been titled Infinity of Heaven.

He said that he would have begun writing these after finishing his work on the twelfth and final main sequence book of The Wheel of Time. Jordan said, "Infinity of Heaven almost certainly will be written before the prequels, though I might do them between the Infinity books." Also according to Dragonmount.com, Jordan planned to write some side-story novels, before completely abandoning his decades-long work. Jordan had particularly stressed that this series would be significantly shorter than The Wheel of Time saga (about 6 books long and essentially two trilogies).
En av disse bøkene skal visst omhandle Matt og Tuons eventyr i Sean'chan. Infinity of Heaven får vi nok aldri se (håper jeg), men man vet aldri hva R.J. har "gjemt på loftet".

Angående hva som må/bør hende i de tre kommende bøkene, så fant jeg en fin liste på et forum. Tror denne er ganske komplett, men det er sikkert noe den mangler (jeg skriver det som spoilere hvis noen her mot formodning ikke er ferdig fram til og med KoD).
Hva bør skje i aMoL
-The balefire paradox between him and Moridin needs to be confronted
-Cadsuane needs to teach him and the Asha'man a lesson
-He needs to face the Amyrlin and "know her anger"
-His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul
-To live, he must die
-Min's vision of a bloody hand and a hot iron (all the way from book one; a similar vision surrounds Elayne)
-Perrin and Min both had visions of Rand with a beggar's staff
-Some important scene with him and the 3 girls on a boat
-A truce with the Seanchan

-The Tower of Ghenjei plot has to be resolved, along with the Thom/Moiraine relationship
-He will most likely lose an eye somehow
-Egwene's vision of Mat balancing two Aes Sedai on a balance scale
-He needs to give gunpowder to Rand

-He needs to save Rand's life once more
-Receive the Broken Crown somehow
-Hopefully some sort of peace with Berelain/Faile
-Min's vision of flowering trees, whatever that means

-Egwene will be in a dire situation, in which only Gawyn can save her
-Egwene will meet a woman Seanchan
-The Seanchan will attack the White Tower
-Who the hell is Mesaana, anyway?
-Siuan and Gareth are in a situation where they need each other
-Who is beating Sheriam?
-The plotline about the searchers in the Tower and the too-young Sitters, unless this was all a very boring red herring

-What has Demandred been doing the whole time?
-Who is pretending to be Sammael, and trying to kill Rand.

-What is Slayer doing? How and why did Isam and Luc merge?
-What are Masema's plans? Why was he plotting with Seanchan?
-Noal Charin/Jain Farstrider's backstory needs to be explained.
-I have a feeling Padan Fain will play a major role at the Last Battle somehow

-Who is Mazrim Taim and what are his plans?
-Logain's future glory
-The Black Tower will be rent in blood and fire, et cetera

-The seals need to be broken
-Herid Fel's cryptic comments need to be explained
-"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed"
-The Dark One must be sealed again

-What is Verin's secret plan?
-What's special about Elayne's children?
-Galad and the Whitecloaks need to do something.
-The Aiel need to be destroyed, except for the remnant of a remnant. (Although I suspect this remnant will be Therava and her remaining posse)
-The Ogier and this Book of Translation need to be dealt with
-Narishma needs to "follow after" Rand with Callandor (unless this has been dealt with when Narishma used Callandor at the end of Book 9)
-Rotel Itulralde and the mess in Arad Doman
But neither the conductress nor the passengers were amazed by the most important thing of all, namely, that a cat was not merely getting on a streetcar, which wasn't so bad, but that he intended to pay his fare! - Mikhail Bulgakov
Den Fortapte
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Post by Chriz »

Det omslaget var i hvert fall kun et utkast, det blir nok bedre enn som så.

Men... Har ikke RJ sagt en gang i tiden at vi aldri får vite hvem som drepte Asmodean?
Sa souvraya niende misain ye
- Mat
Den Fortapte
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Post by Torbjørn »

Chriz wrote:Men... Har ikke RJ sagt en gang i tiden at vi aldri får vite hvem som drepte Asmodean?
Nei, trur han berre har sagt RAFO.
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Post by Anouar »

På JordanCon for en helg siden ble det spilt et lydopptak av Robert Jordan som snakket om prologen til The Gathering Storm, og noen har vært så flinke å skrive sammendrag:
We're in the viewpoint of a well-to-do farmer. Not rich, but doing well enough to have several farmhands working for him. He looks to the north, and sees clouds on the horizon -- black and silver clouds. Not dark grey and light grey, like people mean when they see black clouds, or silver ones, but pure black and silver. And they move oddly -- he's a farmer, and familiar with weather and those clouds are rolling forward at a good clip, they should be here in an hour or two... but they aren't coming any closer.

And there's thunder, but it doesn't seem to come from the clouds. Sometimes it sounds from the horizon, and sometimes almost right overhead, and it too moves back and forth through the sky. He looks away, and when he looks back up, the clouds are almost on him, and the thunder is still rolling through the sky.

Then he sees a friend from town coming up the road, the local blacksmith, riding on a wagon packed with belongings. There's a milk-cow following behind it, and chickens in cages, and furniture and everything. The smith stops to talk to the farmer, and tells him that there's a storm coming, they're going north. The smith starts telling the farmer where he's buried his anvil behind the forge, and where his best tools are buried, and that the smith's wife polished up the copper pots the farmer's wife liked and that they're waiting in the kitchen for her.

The farmer asks what's going on, and all the smith says is that there's a storm coming. The smith's wife is on the wagon, too, and she hands down a basket of eggs, saying that they're for the farmer's wife. They're getting ready to leave, and the smith starts giving advice -- You have a light forge for repairing stuff around the farm, right? Take your best scythe and turn it into a polearm. Not your second best, or your third best; this is the weapon you'll be using the most often. You fight a man on a horse, and you stab him with the polearm and pull him down off it. Take your second best, and third best scythe, and turn them into swords.

The farmer asks how you do that, and the smith tells him that a sword is basically a scythe-blade. Take a block of wood and put it at the end to keep your hand from slipping onto the blade. Take another block of wood, and stick it on for a handle. Then the smith tells him to kill his cows, and his goats, and turn them into meat -- there'll need the food, and there'll be men willing to pay for the meat. There's a storm coming.

As the smith is leaving, the farmer's wife comes out, and asks who that was. The farmer says that it was the smith, and that the smith's wife had a basket of eggs for her. The farmer's wife says that was nice, and starts putting the eggs from the basket into her apron, thinking that the smith's wife will be back later for the basket, or send someone around. The farmer tells her that they said a storm was coming, and that they were going north for some reason, and that the smith had buried his anvil and tools and told the farmer where they were, and that the copper pots she liked are all shined up and waiting for his wife to pick up. And he hears this crack, crack, crack, and turns to see the eggs dropping from his wife's apron as she stares in shock.

The farmer goes to his light forge, and looks at his second-best scythe. Then he stops, and takes the best scythe down, and starts taking the handle off it. He calls his hands in, and tells them to start getting things together, they're going north. The men ask what's going on, and all he can tell them is a storm coming, we're going north. He takes a hammer and starts pounding on the scythe, to take the handle off, and the strikes echo oddly around the force, ringing louder than they should, and it almost sounds like the thunder as the hammer comes down on the scythe, and in the back of his head, it's almost like he hears a voice saying with each strike, 'the storm is coming,' 'the storm is coming,' 'the storm is coming.'
"Mmm. Jeg liker melonpunsj."
- Min
Lothair Mantelar
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Post by Lothair Mantelar »


UK cover art for "The Gathering Storm". Ser slettes ikke dårlig ut spør du meg.
But neither the conductress nor the passengers were amazed by the most important thing of all, namely, that a cat was not merely getting on a streetcar, which wasn't so bad, but that he intended to pay his fare! - Mikhail Bulgakov
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Post by Merrilin »

Ser rått ut spør du meg, selv om jeg personlig er mest fan av av covere med illustrasjoner fra bøkene, som de norske :)
Rodel Ituralde
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Post by Rodel Ituralde »

Merrilin wrote:Ser rått ut spør du meg, selv om jeg personlig er mest fan av av covere med illustrasjoner fra bøkene, som de norske :)
De norske har vel tatt akkurat de samme illustrasjonene som de engelske bøkene..
There is some delight in ale and wine
And some in girls with ankles fine
But my delight, yes always mine
Is to dance with Jak O’ the Shadows
Den Fortapte
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Post by Asphyxiate »

Har personlig altid foretrukket Orbit sine covre, Tor sine (altså de med illustrasjon) har en tendens til å bli litt "cheesy", mens orbits corve er stilfulle. Kjedelig at jeg bare har to orbitutgivelser og resten Tor
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Post by Merrilin »

Rodel Ituralde wrote:
Merrilin wrote:Ser rått ut spør du meg, selv om jeg personlig er mest fan av av covere med illustrasjoner fra bøkene, som de norske :)
De norske har vel tatt akkurat de samme illustrasjonene som de engelske bøkene..
Ja, det har jeg jo skjønt, men vet ikke hvilke forlag som gir ut disse omslagene, ettersom jeg ikke leser på engelsk, og det er vell heller likegyldig om de er tatt fra engelske bøker eller ikke, omslagene er fortsatt på de norske bøkene uansett.
Mierin Eronaile
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Post by Mierin Eronaile »

Jeg synes ikke den Lothair Mantelar viste oss var så fin egentlig. Jeg synes heller ikke de med illustrasjoner er så innamri fine (liker Verdens Øye litt da..hehe). Kitch alle sammen. Og den nye over ser jo bare kjempejalla ut!
Men jeg liker de engelske der det bare er et bilde et tidshjulet på er fine. Tror de har forskjellige farger eller noe, og vet ikke hvilket forlag som gir dem ut. Glemmer alltid å se på sånt.
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